This post is dedicated to those who have just started up there credit or are wanting to start getting credit, building it up on a slower pace. For those wanting to do it on a faster pace, check out the post called: How To Build Up Personal Credit To Obtain Higher Credit Limits. Moving on, here we go:
Ok, so you are wanting to start building your credit and have none and no money for a secured loan, ok. Well you can apply for a capital Journey credit card and/or classic MC/Visa card at the same time one right after the next and you will most likely get approved for both if not one. For those not sure if they will get approved and need assistance, you can email or post me and I will help you out witth that. You can email me at or After getting approved for the card, you want to use it once a month for at least 3 months, very small purchases under $50 dollars, make sure you make payments. At about the 2-3 week of the 4th month, you will want to apply for a JC Pennys card. They will approve you for about $100-$400 dollars credit line. In about a week or two, You will want to also apply for a Walmart card at this time as well. You don't need to use these new cards yet. After the walmart approval, you wait for another 2 weeks and then apply for a Old navy and Khols card at the same time, you will more than likely get approved for both. A word of advice which is very important to these approvals, make sure that your phone number that you have is listed in 411 directory, also go to: to opt yourself in the system. If your not listed with 411 and not opted in, you will want to do so and wait about 30 days or so before applying for credit. You may also want to retrieve a current credit report to make sure all of your information is current and correct, because an address or phone number can be the difference between denied and approved.
For more info or help please leave your post or emails with questions, at or, or, or
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