Monday, July 22, 2013

Kanye West Goes Crazy On Photographer

Will Kanye West ever grow up? He attacked a photographer at LAX on Friday. Get this though: the photographer is the SAME one who was attacked by Britney Spears in the well known umbrella incident in 2007.  The photographer, whose name is Dano, is known to be more than a little aggressive. After the umbrella incident, he auctioned the umbrella on eBay. He also put the Ford Explorer she dented on the website and the bidding reached more than $30k. Those figures are amazingly small compared to the money he made off of his video of the incident. As for the Kanye incident, Dano wants to press charges and Kanye is now afelony suspect for attempted robbery.



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Prince Harrys is now forth in line

Well with Prince Williams new baby boy here, Prince Harry is now bumped to forth place for the throne.  As happy as he maybe for his brother and sister-in law, and the arrival of his nevue, it makes you wonder, how does he feel about the fact that he is now bumped to forth in line for the throne.  I mean let's be hhonest, he's not getting any younger here.
 But hey once again, congrats again Prince Williams & wife Kate Middleton on the new baby boy.
Follow us as we keep on this story like white on rice, lol its funny lol


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Braxton's Bankruptcy Case Finally Settled

 For years, I’ve heard about Tony Braxton being in bankruptcy, but she has finally wiped the slate clean…and it only cost her $150,000. She filed for bankruptcy in 2010 (for the second time), claiming debts as high as $50,000,000. Well damn!
Apparently, Braxton made a deal with the trustee to buy back some of the personal property she lost as a result of filing for bankruptcy. The deal was that she would pay $5,000 a month for 15 months with the last payment being $50,000. Braxton made every last payment…...except for that last one.
The other part of the case hanging over Braxton's head was the issue of $754,000 she made for performances she had overseas. These performances occurred AFTER Braxton filed for bankruptcy, so she felt that she was legally entitled to keep the money she made from these performances. The trustee, however, argued that since Braxton was technically paid before the bankruptcy filing, due to the money being put in escrow before the actual shows, she should be ordered to hand it over.
This week, Braxton and the trustee finally came to an agreement. Braxton settled on paying the $50,000 she owed for the property and $100,000 from the performances. They also came to an agreement that she could buy back the copyright on an abundance of her songs for a meager $20,000. On July 15th they will go to auction and they will be hers if she doesn’t get outbid. That must be a slap in the face to have to bid on your own work, but I guess that’s the price you pay for excessive spending on linens and kitchen appliances.
It seems this bankruptcy case is finally over. That is, if a judge signs off on it. Let’s see how long it takes Braxton to file another one since there isn’t a Household Items Anonymous.



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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Rolling Stones Magazine Cover Backlash

It seems that Rolling Stones is receiving a bit of a backlash from every direction for there latest cover of there magazine which has the picture of accused Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Form the general public all the way up to politicians are voicing there opinion about the front cover of the new Rolling Stones Magazine Cover.  I think it was stupid says,   Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona in a most recent interview.   But the Magazine to date still defends their decision, saying that they are just looking to get deeper into the story of  the young Boston bomber, explaining that there decision for the cover and the story is showing how a young man so well respected and popular would do such a thing, as well as throwing in that there key demographic is around the same age as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev the Bomber.
Many other believed that The Magazine knew that there would be such a big backlash and are pretty much doing it for the publicity.  Hey, lol maybe right, considering the many other magazines that have been popping up left and right, and targets the same demographic; hey by now we should all know that Rolling Stones does not make there money by selling physical magazines anymore but by there website, and with all the new competition out there you do need to be different and fresh, but by what means?
CVS Pharmacy's predominantly in New England has decided to boycott the selling of this Rolling Stones Issue due to there strong feeling about the cover of the new Rolling Stones Issue of the alleged Bomber.
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Blue Mitzi




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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Detroit Files For Bankruptcy

Detroit Files For Bankruptcy

By now we should all know that due to the economic melt down that many cities have been dealing with the effects differently, trying to hold on to the edge as much as they can but one city just couldn't hang on, Detroit.  This Thursday Detroit has officially filed for bankruptcy.  For those who don't know Detroit is a predominately black population where most are employed by the auto industry who has taken a large hit financially over the past few years in the private sector.

Many are just not able to afford the city living anymore and jobs are scarce more than ever.  The crime in Detroit has risen to an all time high do to the economic down fall and things are just over all horrible.
Going a  little off subject though, which may not seem to be related in anyway but some may differ; right-wing developers are looking to purchase Belle Isle Park in Detroit, for $1,000,000,000 to turn it into separate city-state based on their perverted political doctrines.  Under this plan, the island would secede from Michigan to become a semi-sovereign territory.  That way, America would be paying for its defense while residence would be exempt from having to pay federal taxes.

Wow, that's all I can say, its amazing that through poverty and the hardship of millions who just a few can come along and make others hurt and pain into business deals.

For a more detailed article and video go to:
Blue Mitzi

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Zimmerman Not Guilty

Zimmerman Not Guilty

After A year of the Murder of Trayvon Martin, The Verdict has finally been reached. Zimmerman Not Guilty.

Go to for further detail

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Its Going Down

Anyone who is familiar with VH1’s Love & Hip Hop Atlanta and avidly watches it, knows about Kirk Frost’s recent public infidelity. I can only imagine how humiliated and upset his wife, rapper Rasheeda, must be, but there is no need to imagine how upset her mother was over this ordeal. Kirk’s mother-in-law, Miss Sherlene, made her anger evident when she ran over Kirk’s $7000 motor bike with her truck. Upon applying for reimbursement from his insurance company, Kirk was required to file a police report, and now the incident is under investigation. The vandalism charges he filed against Miss Sherlene are a CLASS B FELONY!! These charges could get her a MINIMUM of one year in prison and a MAXIMUM of 5 years. Rasheeda must be outraged at his spiteful actions. There already tumultuous marriage will definitely be suffering even more if Rasheeda’s mother is actually put behind bars over this.
Kirk needs to man up. He’s lucky Rasheeda hasn’t filed for divorce over his blatant, public disrespect for her, especially seeing as to how she is currently carrying his child. He should swallow the loss of his bike because it is a small price to pay for the threesome he partook in with two women after a night of drinking and some jacuzzi time in a cabin he visited with rapper Benzino and R&B artist Bobby V. Sources say Kirk is doing all he can to get back in Rasheeda’s good graces and gain back her truck. Well, this is definitely not the way to do it. I am looking forward to the outcome of this investigation due to my personal feelings that Rasheeda should leave Kirk to bite the dust. She’s a “boss bitch” anyhow, so she will be just fine without him.
By:  "Aye Yo"
Blue Mitzi
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Who Is Rihanna In Love With Now?

So everyone is aware of the love triangle between Rihanna, Drake, and Chris Brown. Well, apparently, Rihanna has officially reunited with Drake. Drake has never went into detail about their brief 2010 relationship, but has never been shy about expressing his feelings for her and how used she left him feeling, causing him stress headaches, writer's block and anxiety. Even so, they are giving it another go around and have been spending an excessive amount of time with one another. This has been confirmed by a person on Rihanna’s tour, who has also stated that it is obvious that Rihanna is in love with Drake. According to this source, Drake has been flying around the world to be with RiRi while she is on tour. While this may be a good look for Drake, I can’t wait to see Chris Brown’s reaction to this. As much as he tries to portray a nonchalant demeanor, his arrogance and excessive love for Rihanna cause him to say and do things that solidly portray his jealousy and anger towards Rihanna’s ties to his rival. The most amusing part of all, however, is how she has both of these “grown” men wrapped around her finger. UENO IT!!!           07/10/13           
 By: ~Aye Yo~
Blue Mitzi
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Monday, July 8, 2013

Garcinia Cambogia Fat Blocker And Fat Burnr

The new wave of the weight loss industry is here; or so they say. Garcinia Cambogia, Every doctor with A show is talking about this new Dual Action Fat Blocker and Fat Burner.  Seems as if this maybe  what people with bad eating habits and weight issues may have been waiting for. But lets get into this new so called weight loss phenom.  Whats the ingredients, whats in it, what does it do and how does it do it?

Garcinia Cambogia Dual Action Fat Blocker And Fat Burner
Garcinia Cambogia is said to be a small, sweet, exotic fruit native to South India and Southeast Asia.  This pumpkin like fruit is said to be high in Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA), A principal extract in the fruit.
Its said that the weight loss phenom contains 50% of this (HCA) whuch is a big contributor to weigh loss.   

Garcinia Cambogia is said to be one of the highest sources of this weight loss ingredient   fills the glycogen stores in the liver and other tissues, thereby reducing appetite while increasing energy levels, Garcinia Cambogia lowers the production of triglycerides and cholesterol and may increase thermogenesis the burning of calories.      

In lamens terms, the new weight loss ingredient makes the tissues that are looking to be filled up with fat and bad sugar with less garbage, also allowing you to burn more fat, efficiently and not just what you may have just gained for lunch, keeping you in the same set of scale numbers up and down, but still where you don't need to be.

This new weight loss phenom gives you an edge considering its targeting those that don't have much time to exercise normally or diet regularly, this is for you.  Imagine how it would be if you kick in a little exercise and a little diet, man.     

Stay with us as we go deeper into the product in our next post about it, as well as give you the cons and or side effects if there's any. 

Hey we make start selling this stuff ourselves, lol  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Jay -Z New Single Holy Grail Premiered On Funk Master Flex Show

Jay-Z new single #Holy Grail was premiered last night on the Funk Master Flex show.  Though different in single choices for Jay-Z nevertheless there's no lack of Jay-Z lyrics on this opener.  For those who have been paying attention or not, this opening song was the first and main track giving us the teaser in the Samsung Jay-Z, Magna Carter Holy Grail commercials.  The new single boast the soulful vocals of Justin Timberlake.  Good start for Jay, lets see how this goes.....

You can check out the premier at:
Blue Mitzi

Monday, July 1, 2013

George Zimmerman Claims Trayvon Told Him He Was Going To Die Tonight

As we continue to follow this murder trial of Trayvon Martin it seems to be getting uglier, and Uglier by the day.  As experts and prosecutors are being called up to try to see if they can distinguish the difference between the voices in the 911 call that night, which can be a big deciding factor in this case.  George Zimmerman police statement which was played today in court states that, Trayvon Martin told him that he was going to die tonight as he attached him with a punch that send him diving to the ground.   The so called night watch volunteer, claimed that Trayvon Martin saw his pistol, reached for it, but he made it to the pistol first, then shooting Martin.

Do remember that Zimmerman is currently on trial for 2nd Degree Murder of Trayvon Martin, which prosecutors believe that Zimmerman racially profiled Trayvon Martin.  Zimmerman that night had also called in to 911 to report Mr. Martin and was told to not pursue him, which eventually ended up in Trayvon Martins Murder. The dispatcher testified that Zimmerman said he was getting out his car to get a street name of where he was at which then Trayvon Martin attacked him. Trayvon Martins farther Tracey Martin is due soon to testify as well about the dreadful night.

On another note, defense attourney West and daughter Molly West and friend was spotted this weekend with an upload to twitter of a picture of all 3 with a comment stating, "we beat stupidity celebration cone, #Dad killed it " This is was in light of Ms Jeantel's not so great testimony this past week which I may say was more focused on Ms Jeantel and not the facts of the case, wow what has the world come to.....makes you just say...............
Blue Mitzi
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