Monday, July 22, 2013

Kanye West Goes Crazy On Photographer

Will Kanye West ever grow up? He attacked a photographer at LAX on Friday. Get this though: the photographer is the SAME one who was attacked by Britney Spears in the well known umbrella incident in 2007.  The photographer, whose name is Dano, is known to be more than a little aggressive. After the umbrella incident, he auctioned the umbrella on eBay. He also put the Ford Explorer she dented on the website and the bidding reached more than $30k. Those figures are amazingly small compared to the money he made off of his video of the incident. As for the Kanye incident, Dano wants to press charges and Kanye is now afelony suspect for attempted robbery.



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The Come-Up Compilation Ebook:

Prince Harrys is now forth in line

Well with Prince Williams new baby boy here, Prince Harry is now bumped to forth place for the throne.  As happy as he maybe for his brother and sister-in law, and the arrival of his nevue, it makes you wonder, how does he feel about the fact that he is now bumped to forth in line for the throne.  I mean let's be hhonest, he's not getting any younger here.
 But hey once again, congrats again Prince Williams & wife Kate Middleton on the new baby boy.
Follow us as we keep on this story like white on rice, lol its funny lol


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My offers vary daily, so payments range from $5-$100.  Today’s payout again is $50,  We can also show you how to do the same and make some cash as well.

The Come-Up Compilation Ebook:

Braxton's Bankruptcy Case Finally Settled

 For years, I’ve heard about Tony Braxton being in bankruptcy, but she has finally wiped the slate clean…and it only cost her $150,000. She filed for bankruptcy in 2010 (for the second time), claiming debts as high as $50,000,000. Well damn!
Apparently, Braxton made a deal with the trustee to buy back some of the personal property she lost as a result of filing for bankruptcy. The deal was that she would pay $5,000 a month for 15 months with the last payment being $50,000. Braxton made every last payment…...except for that last one.
The other part of the case hanging over Braxton's head was the issue of $754,000 she made for performances she had overseas. These performances occurred AFTER Braxton filed for bankruptcy, so she felt that she was legally entitled to keep the money she made from these performances. The trustee, however, argued that since Braxton was technically paid before the bankruptcy filing, due to the money being put in escrow before the actual shows, she should be ordered to hand it over.
This week, Braxton and the trustee finally came to an agreement. Braxton settled on paying the $50,000 she owed for the property and $100,000 from the performances. They also came to an agreement that she could buy back the copyright on an abundance of her songs for a meager $20,000. On July 15th they will go to auction and they will be hers if she doesn’t get outbid. That must be a slap in the face to have to bid on your own work, but I guess that’s the price you pay for excessive spending on linens and kitchen appliances.
It seems this bankruptcy case is finally over. That is, if a judge signs off on it. Let’s see how long it takes Braxton to file another one since there isn’t a Household Items Anonymous.



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The Come-Up Compilation Ebook:

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Rolling Stones Magazine Cover Backlash

It seems that Rolling Stones is receiving a bit of a backlash from every direction for there latest cover of there magazine which has the picture of accused Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Form the general public all the way up to politicians are voicing there opinion about the front cover of the new Rolling Stones Magazine Cover.  I think it was stupid says,   Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona in a most recent interview.   But the Magazine to date still defends their decision, saying that they are just looking to get deeper into the story of  the young Boston bomber, explaining that there decision for the cover and the story is showing how a young man so well respected and popular would do such a thing, as well as throwing in that there key demographic is around the same age as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev the Bomber.
Many other believed that The Magazine knew that there would be such a big backlash and are pretty much doing it for the publicity.  Hey, lol maybe right, considering the many other magazines that have been popping up left and right, and targets the same demographic; hey by now we should all know that Rolling Stones does not make there money by selling physical magazines anymore but by there website, and with all the new competition out there you do need to be different and fresh, but by what means?
CVS Pharmacy's predominantly in New England has decided to boycott the selling of this Rolling Stones Issue due to there strong feeling about the cover of the new Rolling Stones Issue of the alleged Bomber.
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Blue Mitzi




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My offers vary daily, so payments range from $5-$100.  Today’s payout again is $50,  We can also show you how to do the same and make some cash as well.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Detroit Files For Bankruptcy

Detroit Files For Bankruptcy

By now we should all know that due to the economic melt down that many cities have been dealing with the effects differently, trying to hold on to the edge as much as they can but one city just couldn't hang on, Detroit.  This Thursday Detroit has officially filed for bankruptcy.  For those who don't know Detroit is a predominately black population where most are employed by the auto industry who has taken a large hit financially over the past few years in the private sector.

Many are just not able to afford the city living anymore and jobs are scarce more than ever.  The crime in Detroit has risen to an all time high do to the economic down fall and things are just over all horrible.
Going a  little off subject though, which may not seem to be related in anyway but some may differ; right-wing developers are looking to purchase Belle Isle Park in Detroit, for $1,000,000,000 to turn it into separate city-state based on their perverted political doctrines.  Under this plan, the island would secede from Michigan to become a semi-sovereign territory.  That way, America would be paying for its defense while residence would be exempt from having to pay federal taxes.

Wow, that's all I can say, its amazing that through poverty and the hardship of millions who just a few can come along and make others hurt and pain into business deals.

For a more detailed article and video go to:
Blue Mitzi

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Zimmerman Not Guilty

Zimmerman Not Guilty

After A year of the Murder of Trayvon Martin, The Verdict has finally been reached. Zimmerman Not Guilty.

Go to for further detail

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Its Going Down

Anyone who is familiar with VH1’s Love & Hip Hop Atlanta and avidly watches it, knows about Kirk Frost’s recent public infidelity. I can only imagine how humiliated and upset his wife, rapper Rasheeda, must be, but there is no need to imagine how upset her mother was over this ordeal. Kirk’s mother-in-law, Miss Sherlene, made her anger evident when she ran over Kirk’s $7000 motor bike with her truck. Upon applying for reimbursement from his insurance company, Kirk was required to file a police report, and now the incident is under investigation. The vandalism charges he filed against Miss Sherlene are a CLASS B FELONY!! These charges could get her a MINIMUM of one year in prison and a MAXIMUM of 5 years. Rasheeda must be outraged at his spiteful actions. There already tumultuous marriage will definitely be suffering even more if Rasheeda’s mother is actually put behind bars over this.
Kirk needs to man up. He’s lucky Rasheeda hasn’t filed for divorce over his blatant, public disrespect for her, especially seeing as to how she is currently carrying his child. He should swallow the loss of his bike because it is a small price to pay for the threesome he partook in with two women after a night of drinking and some jacuzzi time in a cabin he visited with rapper Benzino and R&B artist Bobby V. Sources say Kirk is doing all he can to get back in Rasheeda’s good graces and gain back her truck. Well, this is definitely not the way to do it. I am looking forward to the outcome of this investigation due to my personal feelings that Rasheeda should leave Kirk to bite the dust. She’s a “boss bitch” anyhow, so she will be just fine without him.
By:  "Aye Yo"
Blue Mitzi
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Who Is Rihanna In Love With Now?

So everyone is aware of the love triangle between Rihanna, Drake, and Chris Brown. Well, apparently, Rihanna has officially reunited with Drake. Drake has never went into detail about their brief 2010 relationship, but has never been shy about expressing his feelings for her and how used she left him feeling, causing him stress headaches, writer's block and anxiety. Even so, they are giving it another go around and have been spending an excessive amount of time with one another. This has been confirmed by a person on Rihanna’s tour, who has also stated that it is obvious that Rihanna is in love with Drake. According to this source, Drake has been flying around the world to be with RiRi while she is on tour. While this may be a good look for Drake, I can’t wait to see Chris Brown’s reaction to this. As much as he tries to portray a nonchalant demeanor, his arrogance and excessive love for Rihanna cause him to say and do things that solidly portray his jealousy and anger towards Rihanna’s ties to his rival. The most amusing part of all, however, is how she has both of these “grown” men wrapped around her finger. UENO IT!!!           07/10/13           
 By: ~Aye Yo~
Blue Mitzi
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Monday, July 8, 2013

Garcinia Cambogia Fat Blocker And Fat Burnr

The new wave of the weight loss industry is here; or so they say. Garcinia Cambogia, Every doctor with A show is talking about this new Dual Action Fat Blocker and Fat Burner.  Seems as if this maybe  what people with bad eating habits and weight issues may have been waiting for. But lets get into this new so called weight loss phenom.  Whats the ingredients, whats in it, what does it do and how does it do it?

Garcinia Cambogia Dual Action Fat Blocker And Fat Burner
Garcinia Cambogia is said to be a small, sweet, exotic fruit native to South India and Southeast Asia.  This pumpkin like fruit is said to be high in Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA), A principal extract in the fruit.
Its said that the weight loss phenom contains 50% of this (HCA) whuch is a big contributor to weigh loss.   

Garcinia Cambogia is said to be one of the highest sources of this weight loss ingredient   fills the glycogen stores in the liver and other tissues, thereby reducing appetite while increasing energy levels, Garcinia Cambogia lowers the production of triglycerides and cholesterol and may increase thermogenesis the burning of calories.      

In lamens terms, the new weight loss ingredient makes the tissues that are looking to be filled up with fat and bad sugar with less garbage, also allowing you to burn more fat, efficiently and not just what you may have just gained for lunch, keeping you in the same set of scale numbers up and down, but still where you don't need to be.

This new weight loss phenom gives you an edge considering its targeting those that don't have much time to exercise normally or diet regularly, this is for you.  Imagine how it would be if you kick in a little exercise and a little diet, man.     

Stay with us as we go deeper into the product in our next post about it, as well as give you the cons and or side effects if there's any. 

Hey we make start selling this stuff ourselves, lol  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Jay -Z New Single Holy Grail Premiered On Funk Master Flex Show

Jay-Z new single #Holy Grail was premiered last night on the Funk Master Flex show.  Though different in single choices for Jay-Z nevertheless there's no lack of Jay-Z lyrics on this opener.  For those who have been paying attention or not, this opening song was the first and main track giving us the teaser in the Samsung Jay-Z, Magna Carter Holy Grail commercials.  The new single boast the soulful vocals of Justin Timberlake.  Good start for Jay, lets see how this goes.....

You can check out the premier at:
Blue Mitzi

Monday, July 1, 2013

George Zimmerman Claims Trayvon Told Him He Was Going To Die Tonight

As we continue to follow this murder trial of Trayvon Martin it seems to be getting uglier, and Uglier by the day.  As experts and prosecutors are being called up to try to see if they can distinguish the difference between the voices in the 911 call that night, which can be a big deciding factor in this case.  George Zimmerman police statement which was played today in court states that, Trayvon Martin told him that he was going to die tonight as he attached him with a punch that send him diving to the ground.   The so called night watch volunteer, claimed that Trayvon Martin saw his pistol, reached for it, but he made it to the pistol first, then shooting Martin.

Do remember that Zimmerman is currently on trial for 2nd Degree Murder of Trayvon Martin, which prosecutors believe that Zimmerman racially profiled Trayvon Martin.  Zimmerman that night had also called in to 911 to report Mr. Martin and was told to not pursue him, which eventually ended up in Trayvon Martins Murder. The dispatcher testified that Zimmerman said he was getting out his car to get a street name of where he was at which then Trayvon Martin attacked him. Trayvon Martins farther Tracey Martin is due soon to testify as well about the dreadful night.

On another note, defense attourney West and daughter Molly West and friend was spotted this weekend with an upload to twitter of a picture of all 3 with a comment stating, "we beat stupidity celebration cone, #Dad killed it " This is was in light of Ms Jeantel's not so great testimony this past week which I may say was more focused on Ms Jeantel and not the facts of the case, wow what has the world come to.....makes you just say...............
Blue Mitzi
Mapps Clothing
The Come-Up Compilation Ebook

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Trayvon Martin Murder Case Tweet Madness

It seems as if George Zimmerman's attorney's are pulling no stops  Considering the facts that's already on the table, it looks like a clear open and shut case doesn't it? Really, but you know America land of the free home of the brave, where you are innocent until proven guilt; RIIIIIIGHT? Well for some? lol

This past week the star witness Rachel Jeantel, is sitting on the hot seat compliments of George Zimmerman's defense team for tweets that she has recently deleted, that has nothing to do with the case in point.  It's said that the defense team has been trying to tie Ms Jeantels tweet admissions of drug use to Trayvon Martin supposed drug use; which was unsuccessful.  

As the trial commences Ms. Rachel Jeantel has taken some very harsh criticism this week from media and the general public about her testimony.  Ghetto, black trash, a train wreck are just some of the comments made about Ms Jeantel.  It seems as if she's annoyed, frustrated and rude at times during her testimony about that cloudy night, that Trayvon Martin lost his life.

Though Ms. Jeantel may not seem as if she fully has it together, lets not try to divert from the true reason this case is of existance.  Maybe the media should focus on the truth and what matters and not divert the public to unimportant matters.  Why dont they focus on the truth about North Korea or even Iran, or even the CIA Leak source, aka Whistle Blower.
Blue Mitzi
Mapps Clothing

Chris Brown Indicted On Hit And Run

The Artist Chris Brown was indicted on a hit and run charge this Tuesday stemming from an incident that happened last month, which involved a fender bender with a unnamed woman.  Chris brown was recently on Twitter proclaiming his innocence about the situation stating that, insurance information as well as a valid drivers license was furnished and exchanged between both parties.  He also states because there where camera's around that the lady started making a scene and she saw a possible pay day.

So After the the supposebly hit & run charge while driving without a license, Chris Brown and friend spotted in L.A in a crimson red Porsche.  So its either Chris really doesn't give a f*#k or he maybe innocent. Well see as his case carries on

We Have It All, When It Hits......... /
Blue Mitzi
Mapps Clothing

Aaron Hernandez Arrested For Murder

Star tight end of the New England Patriots, was arrested yesterday and charged with the murder of Odin Lloyd and associate.  News of Hernandez involvement was made last week during an investigation of the NFL star. 

So the updates are in: It seems that finance and mother of his child Shayanna Jenkins was shortly assisting prosecutors in building a case against her soon to be husband.  Though Ms. Jenkins is not a suspect, she shares a residence with her soon to be husband, and has a wedding date set. See ms Jenkins sister is the girlfriend of murder ex-semi pro football player Odin Lloyd.  After an intervention with Hernandez Ms. Jenkins seemed to have cut off all communication with authorities and prosecutors.  Though she has no involvement with the murder, authorities believe she may have vital information about the case.

We Get It As It Comes In.......You Get It All From Us

We Have It All....
Odin Lloyd 
Aaron Hernandez
Aaron Hernandez


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Importance Of Having A High Credit Score

In today's economy due to the recession and current credit crunch, you have to be on your game, when it comes to credit.  Just average or above average is not cutting it any more.  This post, that goes along with the video that can be seen on "" or will explain the The Importance Of Having A High Credit Score.

Now it may not happen now or even years from now, but some way or the other your going to have your credit ran by some kind of credit or company.  Now of days even more and more jobs are requiring a credit pull be done.  I've known many people that have lived most of there life paying cash for everything but eventually ended up having to get a credit check done for either a job or even for a rental car.

I say this to say this is where having a high credit score comes in.  The benefits of having a having a high credit score are really simple to see. Lets take for example two brothers Yes Mapps & Its mapps.  Its mapps has a great 760 credit score due to good payment history, keeping his utilization low at all times, and paying off his balances in full every month; unlike Yes mapps; he has a 610 credit score due to his lack of paying his credit cards late, and having his cards maxed out.  Both brothers go to apply for a auto loan and Its Mapps not only gets the car he wants brand new off the lot. but he doesn't have to put a down payment down at all, and he gets no payments free for the first month, but Yes Mapps has to settle for something he doesn't want, has to put a large $5,000 down payment down and also gets a high interest rate of 21%.  Get the drift, this is the same concept with any other purchase your looking to finance, home, furniture, personal loan, or even if your just looking to get a credit card.

Having a not so good credit score can be the reason why you get declined for an apartment, a job, or or even a rental car, such as Hertz.  So try your best to keep your credit in line with the tips, tricks, and help that we are giving to you, good credit hunting.
Mapps Clothing
The Come-Up Compilation Ebook:
Blue Mitzi

Understanding Credit Inquiries

This is a very talked about topic here.  Credit Inquiries, many people so misled about Credit Inquiries that they don't even know whats on there credit report because there afraid to check it.  Lets start with what a Inquiry is.  A inquiry is exactly what it says, its an inquiry, an inquiry about your credit history, for creditors or landlords, or jobs or even car rental companies to check on your credit background.  Now understand that there's two kinds of credit inquiries, the Hard Inquiry and the soft inquiry.

Hard Inquiry:

The hard inquiry is made form creditors looking to check on your credit history for a loan, credit card, or rental approval and more.  This kind of inquiry is a hard inquiry because it decreases your credit score.  Now even though this decreases your credit score if you get the loan or credit card, or apartment rental or mortgage, it doesn't look bad on your report, because you applied for an auto loan and you got it. Unlike if you applied for an auto loan like 3-5 times and didn't get the loan, that's bad.  Makes other or new creditors your trying to get, look at your report as if something is wrong with this picture.

Soft Inquiry:

The soft pull.  The soft pull is normally made by you yourself checking your credit report and sometimes some creditors doing a credit limit increase or a Pre-approval for a credit card or store card.  This Inquiry does not effect your credit score. Don't be afraid to ask some creditors if they do soft pulls or not.  Some credit grantors such as Walmart, Khol's, and others that do soft pulls due to a pre approval system they are associated with.  You can put your self in this system which is basically opting your self in to be able to possibly get a Pre-approval on credit.

Now also do understand that every creditor that pulls a report  and makes an inquiry does not do it to all 3 of your credit bureaus.  Some creditors only pull one bureau or maybe 2 sometimes.  You normally get all 3 pulled and an inquiry done on all 3 when your looking to get a mortgage done.  So this is a nice clue to you that 2 of your credit bureau reports are high in inquiries and your looking  to go get a auto loan, maybe you should go to a bank or creditor that will pull the bureau that has the least inquiries.
The Come-Up Compilation Ebook:
Blue Mitzi 

Monday, June 24, 2013

How To Start A Business

This is the first part of a series of videos that will explain in detail How To Stat A Business.  I will be taking a trip into the world of starting a business from beginning to the en, and the end being actually getting funding for the business.

In this first part, I will start with letting you know that even though you may have dreams about a idea or product that you think is going to sell millions, you may want to start out with opening up a business that, is fund-able, and when I say fund-able, I mean A business that creditors will want to give financing or credit to.  This is a very important stage, because this can make or break a company.

Do you know what an SIC Code is? Most people don't.  An SIC code is a six digit code that breaks down the kind of business you are in.  If you are looking to stop using your personal credit to run your business and fund your ideas, this code needs to be one that is considered fund-able. This code can make or break a company that is depending on getting financing or credit.  With the wrong SIC code you can be denied credit based on your business solely and will have to depend on your personal credit.  In The Come-Up Compilation Ebook, there is a list of the Top 10 SIC Codes to use, when one of the companies main goal is to acquire funding. Just to put it out there, A company that I have always had my eye on is a cell phone store, see the cellular industry is a great industry to get into; its not going anywhere right now, and not only that you can offer other services that will help bring you more revenue such as cell phone repair, and Computer repair.  

After this point I would choose 3 names I want for my business and head to my states website to do A Business Entity Search.  After in-putting the names in the Entity search and none of them comes up; I can choose my name that I want out of those 3.  Now I would start looking for the certificate or articles  of Incorporation to fill out.  There is a video and post on How To Incorporate A Business Or Corporation, at or, stay tuned for the other videos, give your comments and questions.
The Come-Up Compilation Ebook
Blue Mitzi
Mapps Clothing

How To Get Your First Credit Card

Here is a quick post for those who are fresh out of high school or even in college or just out of college, who may not know much about credit.  This blog post is to show you how easy it is to get your first credit card.  
Now due to the fact that your just starting out with credit, do not expect your first credit card to have a very high credit limit.  There are some local banks and credit unions that actually have programs for new credit beginners.  (Later on this post will be updated with a few of those banks).  Some of the programs are called My First Credit Card, you can Google or Yahoo this term and some banks should pop up, but if not as mentioned above a few links will be posted later on.  For those looking for a quick approval for a credit card.  You may want to give capital one, Journey Credit card a Go, and also Capital One Classic Credit card A go, at the same time.  I have seen many people approved for these 2 cards simultaneously. You r credit limit for one or both cards will be $300-$500, you may get approved for both at $500 a piece giving you a credit start of $1,000.  For those that maybe looking for higher limits at first, if you have relatives or parents with well established credit and credit cards, you may want them to add you as an Authorized User on there cards.(There is A post on What Is A Authorized User) 2-3 of these Authorized User cards with good credit history and limits added to your credit profile or report, will surely help get you, your first credit card at A higher limit.  Please use this information wisely, don't run up your credit cards if you cant pay them, you'll regret it later for sure. And IF you do handle your credit right at the beginning, trust me you can get your credit well up to $30-$50k Plus with in a very shot amount of time.

Leave your questions & comments I am here to answer your questions and help.
Mapps Clothing
Blue Mitzi
The Come-Up Compilation Ebook:

Saturday, June 22, 2013

How To Start A Record Company & Finance It

In this post I will be doing a series of videos in which  I will produce 2-3 songs and also choose 1-2 from my catalog, show how the production was done, incorporate a recording label and also a management company along with the record company.  You the viewers will choose the first song, that  I will push and promote for sale.  I will show you how to use the corporations to fund the finished product, Advertisement & promotions, and the video, for an ending result of a income producing product.
check out the video to this post at:
itsmapps Youtube channel
mapps clothing

Welcome Video

This will be he home for all of my video posts and regular posts. Stay tuned for some great content regarding business credit, starting a business, marketing, and a lot more.

mapps clothing

Blue Mitzi
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How To Build Up New Credit To Obtain High Credit Limits

In this post  I will show those with fresh credit or new credit how to obtain higher credit limits in a short period of time,  avoiding the most common mistakes made with new or fresh credit.

I'll first talk to the ones with the blank credit files, or those just starting out. Lets say your fresh out of high school or even college.  You may have that great idea, or want to invest in the market, or even invest into real-estate, or you just have that  entrepreneur spirit.  More than likely your not at that point to invest cause your broke or don't have much, unless you have that rich uncle or grand mother, but even that scenario the rich relatives are tightening there pockets as well.  I mean times are hard, so wouldn't it be nice to have a little advantage over the rest.

lets get right into it.  First and fore most, reconsider the banks who you bank with.  You may want to start focusing on your city's local banks, and credit unions.  (In the ebook: The COME-UP COMPILATION) there is a list of the top 10 credit unions to join, which I may add, some are very generous, even with fresh credit, lol.  Going to these banks will give you a better chance to build your credit faster and with higher limits, verses going to the big wigs, you know who I mean, lol.

-Also before you choose to apply for a credit card you may want to reconsider doing that, because you don't have any or no credit, those that will extend credit to you will start you out low, which will make sense from a underwriter stand point, but think about choosing a secured credit card first,  these is a list of the top 10 secured credit cards to obtain in the copy of the ebook( THE COME-UP COMPLATION).  Getting a secured credit card as your first 2 cards or so will help you to pave your next unsecured limits to high limits especially if you start those secured cards out with high limits for example($1,000-$10,000).

-A very important step in obtaining high limits in a short time is to make sure your credit reports have completed information on them, correct name, address, age, DOD, even job and salary information.  Information that is not updated can be the difference between an approval and an denial even with a 700+ score.

-Following these steps will surely get you on the way to obtaining high credit limits in a shorter time period than usual.

I have helped many obtain funding under there personal credit even with negatives on, lol.  I have also helped many to clean there bad credit as well.

You can ask your question or leave your comments here about how to establish new credit to obtain high limits in a short time period.

I am available on my blogs, Wordpress, emails and at all times.

check out the live actual proof of the credit this client got here:;feature=endscreen&amp;NR=1

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blue mitzi
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Bad Credit Loans And Credit Lines

Due to the crazy economic times we have have many have suffered due to job loss or medical issues and have defaulted on their credit or bills.  Thankfully there are options out there to help us along the way.
Here are a few creditors that offer credit to those with little or less than perfect credit.  This information will be updated on a daily basis so things may pop up at anytime.

Auto Loans:

Road Loans:
Very credit friendly, they lend to those with bad or little credit

The Lending Club
They are what you call a Peer To Peer Lending Company, they offer loans for almost anythin:

Prosper Lending
They are also a Peer To Peer Lending Company which also offers loans for almost anything as well.

Capital One


New Credit Step by Step Plan

This post is dedicated to those who have just started up there credit or are wanting to start getting credit, building it up on a slower pace.  For those wanting to do it on a faster pace, check out the post called: How To Build Up Personal Credit To Obtain Higher Credit Limits.  Moving on, here we go:

Ok, so you are wanting to start building your credit and have none and no money for a secured loan, ok.  Well you can apply for a capital Journey credit card and/or classic MC/Visa card at the same time one right after the next and you will most likely get approved for both if not one.  For those not sure if they will get approved and need assistance, you can email or post me and I will help you out witth that. You can email me at or  After getting approved for the card, you want to use it once a month for at least 3 months, very small purchases under $50 dollars, make sure you make payments.  At about the 2-3 week of the 4th month, you will want to apply for a JC Pennys card.  They will approve you for about $100-$400 dollars credit line.  In about a week or two, You will want to also apply for a Walmart card at this time as well.  You don't need to use these new cards yet. After the walmart approval, you wait for another 2 weeks and then apply for a Old navy and Khols card at the same time, you will more than likely get approved for both. A word of advice which is very important to these approvals, make sure that your phone number that you have is listed in 411 directory, also go to:  to opt yourself in the system.  If your not listed with 411 and not opted in, you will want to do so and wait about 30 days or so before applying for credit. You may also want to retrieve a current credit report to make sure all of your information is current and correct, because an address or phone number can be the difference between denied and approved.

For more info or help please leave your post or emails with questions, at or, or, or

Peer To Peer Lending

Bank Lending Alternatives For People With Good Or Less Than Perfect Credit

Hey, times are tough, bills are coming full force, and debts are still piling up, as well as inflation.  Which is why you have seen many different Lending Alternatives popping up, like Pay Day Loans.  Well her's a new one, Peer To Peer Lending.  What is Peer To Peer Lending you may ask?, I'll tell you.

Peer To Peer Lending is the new Alternative to traditional Bank Financing or Loans.  his is how it works:
You go into sites such as, Prosper or Lending Club, and fill out a Loan application, depending on the credit score, and your acceptance to their agreement,  you will then be matched up with a Private Lender.  Now Interest Rates can be as low as 6% or even as high as 35%, so those with Less Than Perfect Credit will still be paying the price, but now can consolidate or pay off their debts fully.

Although many applicants do apply for these types of Alternative Loans for Debt consolidation or Bills, these loans can be used for many other things such as, Home Improvement Loans,. Business Expense Loans, Wedding Expense Loans, Auto Loans, or even Vacation Loans, and there is a tab for other on the sites as well, so you can pretty much apply for a Loan for almost anything.

So with this said, Peer To Peer Lending can be a great Alternative for some, if its going to help save you money on your current Interest Rates, or even if you just want to consolidate debt but may not mind the high interest rate if it applies.  Do your due diligence and hopefully this may be a great Lending Alternative for you.       

Friday, June 21, 2013

How To Obtain An EIN Number For Your Business

This step of applying for an EIN number is very serious and important but also very easy in starting up your own business or company.  This is what you will need to do, is after completing the incorporation process, you will need to go to either the IRS website which:

or call at: 1-800-829-4933

After contacting them VIA: Phone, they will ask you a series of questions and then issue your number to you, as well as send you a copy, via mail.

Online is the same thing except its automated, you will be asked a series of questions, answer them to your best ability, and then you will be issued the EIN number Via Email in PDF form.  Make sure you save

There is also a step by step video that goes along with this post, so look for that as well ,for those who are more of the visual types, like myself.
Blue Mitzi
Mapps Clothing   

What Is A Balance Transfer

Many people have been asking me allot bout credit cards lately, and one particular question about credit cards that I get allot is, What Is A Balance Transfer.  So I will try my best to explain what it is.  This is the scenario.  You Currently have a credit card with a $1,000 dollar credit limit which is maxed out, and has a 21% interest rate.  You also have another credit card or have just been approved for another credit card that has a limit of $2,000 as well as an interest rate of 9%.

With the first credit card at 21% with a credit line of $1,000 and an even payment spread over 12 months, would be $1,000 plus an additional $210 dollars added on for interest, which would be rounded up to about a monthly payment of $100.83.  With the second credit card that has a limit of $2,000 and a payment spread evenly over a 12 month period, with an interest rate of 9% , with a balance of $1,000 would make the monthly payments roughly $90.83, and a additional $90 added to the balance cause of interest; Saving you $120 dollars annually. and dropping your monthly payments down to $10 less.

To summarize everything, your pretty much paying off one credit card with another credit card that has a better interest rate, and will save you money overall as well as lower your monthly payments.

Don't forget to check out the new ebook that we just put out called: The Come-Up Compilation Ebook
which you can find at:

This ebook consist of some of the best information as far as personal credit, notary, health, trading top 10 secured cards to get, top 10 credit unions to join, top 10 sic codes to use for a business, and also a 10 step business credit"biz credit"  plan, to get you from not even knowing how to opening up a business all the way getting that business funded.
Blue Mitzi
Mapps Clothing    

What Is The Best Credit Card To Get?

Over the past few weeks I have been getting allot of questions about credit cards and one of these questions that keep popping up is: What Is The Best Credit Card To Get?  My response is that's not a question that can be answered right away.  There are certain variables that need to be analyzed first, like whats your current credit score, what is your current balances on your credit cards, whats your, oldest credit card or line, whats your newest credit card or line, and how many inquiries do you have on file right now.  Another important thing is, do you currently have any negative information on your credit file either form the past or present.

After you address these questions then you can ask yourself what do you want out of a card as well.  Gifts rewards, airline points for free trips, concierge rewards, or even cash back rewards.  There are many out there.

With all of this information you can even know who will approve you, get a guesstimate of how much your limit will be, and know who is the best bank or card to get because you can find out what banks or creditors use what credit bureau's to approve you with.

For any other questions please leave a comment and I will answer you right back ASAP.

We can even assist you with getting approved for credit.

Thank you for coming look around theirs allot of great information about personal credit, business credit, entertainment, gossip, and even many how to tutorials here as well as music info and opportunities as well          
Please also check out our new ebook at:

it consist of some of the best information needed today to get your self of the ground, like top 10 secured credit cards to get, top 10 credit unions to join, top 10 SIC codes to use when opening up a business, health information, notary information, and business credit"biz credit" information as well.
Mapps Clothing
Blue Mitzi

Collection Agency's Calling My Job Instead Of Me

Ok, collection Agencies calling other contact of yours, like your parents, grandmother, family members, or even work.  Now its not illegal at all for them to contact you but its bad practices.  Now if this is whats happened to you or what has been happening to you, it sucks, and can even be embarrassing as well.  So here's what you do, you write or acquire what is called a cease and desist letter.  This letter is in plain English means, to halt an activity and not to take it up later or face legal action, again it means, to formally ask someone to knock it stop or hold your breaks, or knock it off.  This can be used for many different besides annoying debt collectors.  It can be even used fro an ex boyfriend or girlfriend making harassing calls, or more.

While putting your letter together, I find it better to have it Notarized before sending it off.  There will be a Notarized letter posted up on the site for download for your use.

Please leave your comments and questions, I am here to help.             

Elements Of Having A good Credit Report

Info will be up by later today, updating information for you the public, 

What Is A Authorized User Account

In the last few years due to the financial crises which still is not over, many people have had to find alternative options to help build up there credit report or file.  One option which was once dismissed a few years ago, seems to be making a come back very fast.  This option is called Authorized User.  An authorized User account is where one that may have more established credit or accounts or less may have for example, a JC Penny's credit account.  Well, This person can add an Authorized User to their credit card account, which will give that user the benefit of using that account to charge credit as well, and a second card, linked to the main account holders account is issued to that Authorized User with there name on the card.  Now this is beneficial for one that does not have any or no credit at all, because it helps them to start building up there credit profile of report.  Transactions of use and good payment is reported on not just the main card holders credit file but the Authorized User as well.  The cons to this method or option if you will; is that the Authorized User is not held responsible for the principal credit of the account, only the main card holder is, and the Authorized User can not make any little or vital changes to the account at all.  Another down fall to tis option is if the main card holder does not pay there bills and goes into default, this information will show up on the Authorized User Credit report.  So be cautious with this method.

Please, leave me your comments or questions I am here to answer them and help.

Also check out our new ebook called: The Come-Up Compilation Ebook.

This ebook has a ton of great information on Health, Trading, Notary, SIC Codes, Top 10 Secured Credit Cards to get, Top 10 Credit Unions to join, How To Keep An A+ Credit Score And Report, And The 10 Step Business Plan.  Which takes you from step 1 all the way to step 10 showing you how to incorporate all the way to getting funding for your business.      

You can get it out at: 
Blue Mitzi
Mapps Clothing   

How To Dispute Collection Agencies

This one is sweet and to the point.  Before you start Disputing anything with the Collection Agencies, take a good look at your Credit Report first.  You maybe able to get rid of allot of your problems with them as far as negatives items being on your credit report.  Now if you have tried all that you can with the Credit Bureau's and all have failed, then you can pursue the Collection Agencies.  Word of advice, Collection Agencies are not very trust worthy and sometimes don't have all the ammunition that you think they would have considering that they are after you for a debt that they have bought from the original creditor. So firs thing, do not give them any information about you that they didn't know before.  if they say its your debt, then they should have all of your current information; and don't confirm any information that they relay to you.  Allot of times they fish to see if what they have is correct.  Some of them don't even have your social security number, which make you wonder, why are they reporting on my reporting without a ssn or how did they get the ssn number? ha, anyway, Never make any deal with a Collection Agency unless they mail or fax one to you and has a signature from a higher up in there company, ex: manager, supervisor.  They are notorious for making flake deals with unsuspecting and unaware individuals, that makes things worse for you.  And also don't believe when they tell you that they can not remove the negative item form your credit report, they can, because, they are the ones that put it there, and I myself have made such a deal.  They can even cut deals with you to update your account as a positive account, depending on the kind of flexibility they have or want to have.  There is nothing that cant be done.
Blue Mitzi
Mapps Clothing
The Come-Up Compilation Ebook 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Credit Cards For People With Bad Credit, Bull Or Not

With these tough times upon us, many people have ended up pushing there good or decent credit to the limit and destroying it.  Hey, many of us have made mistakes regarding our credit, but despite what the so called credit gurus and bankers may tell you, there is light not only at the end of the tunnel, but in front of you right now. Not only can you fix your bad credit at an surprising speedy time frame but you can even get credit with bad credit.  Now some may say this is not a great move to make, and  I partially agree, but I also disagree.  Depending on if your just looking for money to help pay bills, you may not want to keep going that route and continue to pile on the debt, but if your cleaning up your credit, this maybe a great move for you.  There are a few credit card companies and banks that will still extend credit to you even with bad credit.  In one of my blog post, I share this information on some of those banks and credit card companies.  I also have testimonies of people that I have helped to obtain credit even with bad credit, like one guy that I recently helped in May of this year,  He had 2 baddies on his report, but I was still able to get him $5,000 in credit still. Check out his video testimony, he shows the public some of his credit cards he received.  There are many helpful post here on getting your credit together or obtaining credit for bad credit as well as          

Also check out our new ebook called: The Come-Up Compilation which can be found at:
Mapps Clothing 
Blue Mitzi 

How To Purchase A Domain Name

After my last couple weeks of hard work and grind, learning how to become a entry level SEO guy, aka crash course, I realize that some times even the smallest process gets overlooked at times, so I wanted to do a post on how to how to purchase a domain name and what it consist of.

1-You need to find a name that still is available, for purchase  and a .com? should be the first sought after type of domain name.

2- You can purchase and research if a domain name is still available at 1&

3-After finding the domain you like and its still available, you can then purchase it, but the process does not stop there.

4-At this point if your looking to start a website, you will need hosting.  Hosting is offered also by 1& but many others as we.. such as and more, so do a internet search on hosting companies and what they offer for their hosting, which will best suit your needs.

4-Now after receiving hosting, you need to build your website up, those mentioned above can do it but I tend to direct people to other independent sources because of past experiences the bigger companies don't really build websites the way you really want unless you shed out big bux.  Theres a list of good independent web designers at:

5- After the website is up your now left with the means to get people to your site, and that's another topic within it self.  

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Kanye, New Child And Album

So, besides being the number one face in media for the last past few months, with paparazzi incidents, his day to day life by the minute, (which would explain his bad paparazzi run ins) and alleged affair, Yesus and his girlfriend Kim Kardashian has given birth to their daughter, who is rumored to be named "Kaidence" Donda West, which may sound familiar.  The middle name was taken from his late mother Dr. Donda West.  Many gossip followers and blogs where probably expecting something out the norm, considering the past naming of Jay-Z & Beyonce's child, "Blue Ivy Carter".  Sorry folks no excitement there, lol.

Another some what of a child that  kanye has just dropped as well is his 6th studio album, titled Yesus.  it was reported that Kanye and frinds, such as Jay-Z & Beyonce and the likes of Busta Rhymes where recently spotted in NYC meat packing district Milk Studios, for his Alum release party.  Kanye has reportedly made clear that this album is not for the money but for the music, this the , "NOT GIVE A F@*K ALBUM, Just music.

Despite all the flack & hate Kanye has been getting lately, I congratulate him on becoming a new farther, and wish him success on his new album. which we will be doing a album review on in the next Yesus article.

For those looking to become there own Yesus or just fund their own music Ideas or dreams, please visit us at:, or  We ca nshwo you how to fund your dreams with little or next to no money.

Also check out our new ebook: The Come-Up Compilation Ebook at:
Mapps Clothing


Monday, June 17, 2013

Jay-Z, Shutting Down Album Leaks And Raising Record Sales Back To The Old Days

As mentioned in a previous post, the man of the hour Jay-Z is making big moves again, with the new Jay-Z Samsung album and tour deal, but after looking a bit deeper into this multi million dollar deal, its a bit deeper than just large cash and tour dates.  It seems that Jay-Z maybe leading the new wave of cutting down on internet pirating and bootlegging as we use to call it.

With a deal as such not only will Jay-Z be paving a new lane, for those up and coming artist to be able ink more beneficial and profitable deals that will take away less ownership from these artist, but he may also be starting a new trend that may help cut down on album release leaks, which greatly hurts many artist release and album sales.  This kind of deal that Samsung and Jay-Z is inking will pretty much put the music straight from a finished product right to Samsung's apps, genius.  Though all pirating may not be stopped, with this kind of deal and process, it may give these artist a good chance see what there real album first week sales are, and create a great buzz for there release.

With deals like this, it makes me wonder why we haven't seen more companies step up to do such ventures with more artist especially those of today that have created more than a buzz for themselves without any kind of label backing them.  Some even hitting 1 millions of views on Youtube.  Such artist as Chief Keef, Wacka Flacka, or even Wiz khalifa.  Some of these artist has actually created such a buzz for themselves that they have even played out shows which hey have been reportedly paid within the high five figure ranges.  Not to sound funny but  I would love to see a Domino's deal with an artist as the Jay-Z Samsung deal, or even a Liquor or Tobacco venture deal deal done, I mean hey its a part of the culture.  I can see it now, Philly blunt and Wiz Khalifa partner up to do a venture deal, LOL. I had to get that one in there, hey cant forget about snoop dogg, ohh my bad, snoop lion now. lol

As mentioned in a previous post, the man of the hour Jay-Z is making big moves again, with the new Jay-Z Samsung album and tour deal, but after looking a bit deeper into this multi million dollar deal, its a bit deeper than just large cash and tour dates.  It seems that Jay-Z maybe leading the new wave of cutting down on internet pirating and bootlegging as we use to call it.

With a deal as such not only will Jay-Z be paving a new lane, for those up and coming artist to be able ink more beneficial and profitable deals that will take away less ownership from these artist, but he may also be starting a new trend that may help cut down on album release leaks, which greatly hurts many artist release and album sales.  This kind of deal that Samsung and Jay-Z is inking will pretty much put the music straight from a finished product right to Samsung's apps, genius.  Though all pirating may not be stopped, with this kind of deal and process, it may give these artist a good chance see what there real album first week sales are, and create a great buzz for there release.

With deals like this, it makes me wonder why we haven't seen more companies step up to do such ventures with more artist especially those of today that have created more than a buzz for themselves without any kind of label backing them.  Some even hitting 1 millions of views on Youtube.  Such artist as Chief Keef, Wacka Flacka, or even Wiz khalifa.  Some of these artist has actually created such a buzz for themselves that they have even played out shows which hey have been reportedly paid within the high five figure ranges.  Not to sound funny but  I would love to see a Domino's deal with an artist as the Jay-Z Samsung deal, or even a Liquor or Tobacco venture deal deal done, I mean hey its a part of the culture.  I can see it now, Philly blunt and Wiz Khalifa partner up to do a venture deal, LOL. I had to get that one in there, hey cant forget about snoop dogg, ohh my bad, snoop lion now. lol

With all being said , Jay-Z is stepping up and showing not just his peers how to move but even we aspiring artist.  He's showing us not to wait for opportunities but to create them, so you up and coming lets create some new ones.  For those interested i nmaking there own opportunities give us a holla at, or, where we ca nshow you how to create your own lane, as well as fund it.  Let us show you the light.

check out the Jay-Z / Samsung commercial:

Also please check out our new ebook called:" The Come-Up Compilation Ebook" which can be found
Mapps Clothing
Blue Mitizi

blog, video, itsmapps, business credit, business credit card, business credit cards, Jay-Z, Jay-Z has done it again, Jay-Z at it again, Wiz Khalifa, Chief Keef, music, artist, biz credit, personal credit report, credit report, free credit report, video, blogs, itsmapps blog,, studio equipment, mpc2000xl, mpc 4000, money, finances, financials, biz credit, biz credit plan, 10 step business credit, 10 step business plan, blue mitzi,     

JAY Z Has Done It Again, Samsung Deal New Album.

Brooklyn's own has done it again.  In game six of the Heat vs the Spurs, your boy HOVA aka Mr. NY nets, not only has a new album coming out called "Magna Carter Holy Grail" (which is due to drop July 4th 2013), but managed to get Samsung, yes Samsung to pay for the album to be made and also will be buying 1 million copies for Samsung Galaxy users, which means he has already gone platinum off an album that isn't even already done.  Who has inked a deal like this in rap so far.  Wow, is all  I can say, and lets not forget to mention because of the billion dollar law suite from Apple against Samsung which ended in Samsung paying the billion dollars to Apple in a (rumored) nickles, yes nickles I said which would be roughly about 30 armored trucks filled with nickles, (lmao) back in 2012.  So this is no coincidence, this is chess ladies and gentleman, chess at its best, and Jigga man seized the opportunity to make big moves as hes always been making, so a toast to the man of he hour, WELL DONE, WELL DONE.

We well await the new album "Magna Carter The Holy Grail", is seems as if theres nothing this guy cant do, LOL.

For those interested in becoming there own Jay-Z take a look at websit, where we show you how to go from nothing to something in 10 easy steps.  If you ever dreamed of becoming your own boss, or owning your own business here's your chance, and at minimal cost.

Also check out our new ebook: The Come-Up Compilation:

View the JAY-Z Video here:



Miley Cyrus Is At It Again, First Twerking With Juicy J Now Shes At It With Pharrell And Robin Thicke.

Americas Sweetheart turned bad girl is at it again, Yes Miley Cyrus was spotted at the House Of Blues at a Juicy J show twerking it, to his hit single Bands Will Make Her Dance.  And right off of that wild performance, Miley pops up again in the Media for another wild stage pop up performance at a Myspace party, in the EL Rey Theater, from producer and singer Pharrell from the Neptunes and Robin Thicke.  Sounds like a recipe for disaster but it seems like these performers themselves just cant get enough of Miley as well as the media, And it probably also helps her upcoming project which is actually produced by none other than, Yes Pharrell, what a coincidence. Pharrell is producing Mileys upcoming album which is still untitled, but was rumored earlier this year to have the title reborn, which was immediately shot down on a tweet from Miley, which she states, there is no name currently for the album, but as soon as it arises, she will be keeping her fans up to par.  So with that being said, despite some of the media and blog hate you've been getting, do your thing girl and good luck on the album.

watch the video:

Please don't forget to check out our ebook called, The Come Up Compilation, whis is out now at:

this ebook is consisted of some of  the greatest health information, trading information, top 10 secured credit cards to get, top 10 credit unions to join, top 10 SIC codes to use for funding, and also the 10 step business plan. No Fluff The real stuff.

For those those interested in becoming a music producer, pop star or entertainer, please visit us at and leave us an email or post, we can show you how to get the cash you need to start your own record label, or just make records.
blue mitzi
mapps clothing

Friday, June 14, 2013

What Is A Credit Report

The other day a partner of mine asked me what exactly is a credit report, I was a bit shocked to hear at this day and age that he was not aware of what is a credit report.  To my surprise, after a little bit of research, I found out about 4% percent of people don't really know what a credit report is, and 6 out of 10 people don't know where or how to obtain one, and 75% don't know whats on it, surprisingly.  Which is why this blog has been started.

A credit report details a consumer's financial information and identification information. it can contain information gathered from creditors, public records, and other reliable sources which is reported through somewhat of an automated process.  The information on your consumer credit report or sometimes called file, can have your address, job, salary, good or bad payment history of your credit cards and or loans, which are also known as installment loans or revolving loans.  Installment loans are loans that are lent out to a consumer with a particular set interest rate, payment amount, and period of payments (ex: Auto loan, Furniture loan, Student loan).  A revolving credit line/loan are monies that can have unstable interest rates, non specified payment times, and can carry a balance, meaning does not have to be paid off all at once.

Now there are many different credit bureaus out there believe it or not, which some are off springs of others, but the ones that are commonly used by our major and local banks are as follow: Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union.  These 3 make up the big 3 credit reporting agencies.

Check out the video to go with this post at:

You can also get a free credit report and score at:

what is a credit report, free credit report, credit report, credit reports, annual credit report, check credit report, credit report for free, credit reporting, credit report free, credit report score, credit repair, blog,blogs,videos,video         


Thursday, June 13, 2013

How To Incorporate A Company Or Business

Considering how unstable the US economy is currently, it shouldn't be a surprise that entrepreneurship is on the rise and at an all time high.  Due to the lack of knowledge, on opening ones own business, or corporation, many never Perseus the act of doing it, or some over extend their self's financially.  One of those steps in which many over pay or extend their self's a bit too much is at the first stage of registering/incorporating the business.  Now do know, I am not a Lawyer and cannot not give any legal advice, legally, but just my own personal expertise and opinion on what  I have done and been able to achieve by myself.  With that being said,  I have had a few friends and business associates within the past week ask me how to incorporate a company and do they need a lawyer. And my answer is no you don't and it is very easy.  These are the steps you may want to take:

-Find out and go to your states website.  There they will have information and forms on filing and registering you new company.  Look for those forms, which is usually a pdf that can be filled out right on line and then printed out for signature.  Im in NY so I'll speak on NY's process for right now.  In NY the states website and forms needed would be :

One form is to register/incorporate the business and the other is to pay the fees to do so which for a regular person filing with shares worth $0 currently, NY would be exactly $135 and more if you want expedited services.  The state offers hourly, 1 day and regular service on when the paper work will be processed.

On the first page of the certificate of Incorporation There is about 4 spaces to fill out which is pretty much self explanatory.  What I do want to say though is on the fifth line, where you can put an attention to, for who correspondence letters will be sent to, depending on what your objective maybe with the company, you may just want to put down the companies name and address, not a person.   Second page self explanatory as well and also signature lines that needs to be filled out after you print out.

There will be a Youtube video added by tomorrow about the step by step of how to fill it out so you can it yourself.

Please check out: The Come-Up Compilation Ebook
(has information about health, trading, notary, Top 10 SIC codes, Top 10 credit unions to join, Top 10 secured cards to get, and 10 step business credit plan) you can find it at:

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blue mitzi
blog and videos

No Pg Business Credit

Yes people NO PG BUSINESS CREDIT still exist and you can obtain it even with bad personal credit.  Even through these hard economic times, there is still no pg, credit available, and it is business credit.  Forget what the so called business credit gurus are saying, there probably telling you that you cant get any kind of capital or funding without good credit, and that's wrong.  What there looking for is to get you caught up in there web of sales, first they promise to clean your personal credit, then from there they will get you funding.  Well at that point why would you want to pay them to help you get credit once your credit is clean, you can do that yourself.  But you dont need that, right now you can get $20k, $25k, $50k, even up to $100k plus in business credit with your bad credit, now don't get me wrong,  of coarse if you can get your credit clean or repaired, do it, but don't do it to PG for any thing.  With your clean credit I can show you how to obtain personal funding from $20k up to $50k or more depending on your credit file, but when it comes to business credit, No PG IS THE DEAL HEAR.

Please check out our ebook called: The Come-Up Compilation at:

You can ask your questions here about it, and post your comments on NO PG CREDIT, Also you can view my video on NO PG CREDIT CARDS, where I actually show a few of them which I obtained for 3 companies with NO PG.
itsmapps clothing
blue mitzi

Kanye This, Kanye That

All I hear is Kanye this and Kanye that, why don't media just ease off Kanye's back.
These days Kanye is in the media it seems like everyday.  It seems as of the media can't get enough, as if we haven't heard enough from the bush loving suburbanites and the due hard fans of young country princess T swift.  We have all seen enough to know how Yeezus gets down., Now its who Yeezie is sleeping with on the side.  After reading all of the evidence it just plain comes down to people are so obsessed with fame that they do it all, even if it means to lie about affairs to get there 15 minutes of fame, no matter the outcome, after digging in to this story its obvious that this Canadian bred individual just couldn't make the cut in Canada so shes taking her shot in the 15 minute I'm famous Land because I showed ass & tits while deep, you know what, lol, and it makes it worst for our Canadian friend that she refuses to take a lie detector test, which is free for her, I may ad, so with that said, I wont even waste the rest of this blog on her, lets move over to the guys that waste our time on sense non entertaining, entertainment.  It's very obvious that the once big wig media guys are loosing momentum so fast that they'll make up what ever to sell magazines, or get viewers.
There is more important things going on out there in the world like the unsure US economy, let's focus on getting jobs back into  America instead of overseas outsourcing.  What are these big credit card and tech companies think? Americans are too stupid to hold customer service jobs now, makes you wonder why entrepreneurship is on an all time high these days.  Which brings me to this; for those that are tired of waiting for better opportunities when the economic gets better, please don't hold your breath, create your own path, if you've ever wanted to open up your own clothing store, barber shop, daycare, or even a franchise such as subway or even McDonald's, Check out, there is information on this site that will not only start you off but help you get to your end goal.  You can learn how to start a business from scratch knowing nothing to raising up to $100k and more., you ca also check them out at itsmapps YouTube channel.

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Blue Mitzi
The come-up Compilation: